Category: Alumni Spotlight
Nevaeh Lopez BA ’23
February 19, 2025 -
I transferred to UTD in 2021 after earning my Associates from Dallas College and completed an internship with the Dallas Area Rape Crisis Center in 2022, which sparked my passion for non-profit work.
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Nina Barbieri PhD ’16
As a proud alum of UT-Dallas, earning my Ph.D. in Criminology was not just a professional milestone but a deeply personal journey that shaped my career and purpose. My research focused on the intersections of criminal justice, education, and social institutions, igniting a passion for addressing systemic inequities and fostering meaningful change.
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Omobolanle Fenny PhD ’18
“I am an Assistant Professor at the University of Alabama.”
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Sophie Rutenbar BA ’06
December 3, 2024 -
Sophie is a Visiting Scholar with the Prevention, Peacebuilding and Protracted Crises Program of NYU’s Center for International Cooperation, as well as a non-resident fellow with the Brookings Institution Foreign Policy Program, having recently completed a Council on Foreign Relations International Affairs Fellowship based at both institutions.
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Marco Mascorro BA ’19
November 26, 2024 -
Marco Mascorro (he/him) is an educator, engineer, immigration advocate, soccer coach, and analyst at Goldman Sachs. Marco is the descendant of a long line of Native American bean and corn farmers. A first-generation immigrant who moved to the U.S. from Mexico at age 5, he graduated from The University of Texas at Dallas with a major in Political Science and a minor in Finance.
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Tyler Burkhardt BS’24
February 27, 2024 -
Campus engagement has been a large part of my UTD experience, and it’s significantly more fun alongside a consistently engaged group of peers.
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Venice Osorio BS’24
February 22, 2024 -
I have always been fascinated by the sociology and psychology behind why people commit crimes. I originally wanted to be a defense attorney that defended the rights of individuals in the court of law, but decided I was more interested in helping individuals heal from things that may be caused by victimization.
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Kara Curtis BA’24
February 15, 2024 -
I chose International Political Economy as my major because of the way it combined several things I was passionate about. The entire major promotes interdisciplinary study while still allowing for the flexibility to do things like study abroad. In addition, I have found IPE faculty and students to be some of the most involved and supportive on campus.
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Yanan Wu PhD’24
January 30, 2024 -
I aim to become a Spatial Data Scientist—an explorer who merges the worlds of data and geography.
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Joy Peng BS’23
Use your time at UTD to experience as many different things as you can. EPPS degrees are also very flexible, so don’t feel limited in your career choices.
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Aleeze Qamar BA’24
December 6, 2023 -
I chose to study IPE with a minor in Ethnic studies because of my interest in and connection to global affairs and social justice. As someone who comes from a diverse cultural background, I am drawn to the intricate relationships between politics and ethnic and cultural diversity.
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Christopher Babineaux BA’23
September 5, 2023 -
I have always been interested in what constitutes good governance and the reasons why people vote the way they do.
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Samiul Haque MS’22
My EPPS education sets the foundation for how I facilitate my own classes. When I build my courses and think about content and assignments, the first thing I do is put myself in the shoes of my
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Genna Campain BS’21 MS’22
August 15, 2023 -
Throughout my graduate student career, I have routinely sought out opportunities to improve my teaching skills. For example, I have participated in various workshops, training programs, and initiatives that offered me new insights regarding cutting-edge pedagogical skills and strategies. These skills and strategies are those that I now implement daily in the classroom.
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Cari Reinert BS’23
June 27, 2023 -
It’s incredibly unique that UTD even offers an IPE degree at the undergraduate level, and as someone interested in the intersection of science, technology, and public policy, I’m so thankful that I’ve been able to take courses focused on those intersections.
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Lorjon Ali BA’17 MS’18
Throughout my graduate student career, I have routinely sought out opportunities to improve my teaching skills. For example, I have participated in various workshops, training programs, and initiatives that offered me new insights regarding cutting-edge pedagogical skills and strategies. These skills and strategies are those that I now implement daily in the classroom.
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Gaetan Dore PhD’23
Throughout my graduate student career, I have routinely sought out opportunities to improve my teaching skills. For example, I have participated in various workshops, training programs, and initiatives that offered me new insights regarding cutting-edge pedagogical skills and strategies. These skills and strategies are those that I now implement daily in the classroom.
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Arthur Vasquez MS’16
June 14, 2023 -
I graduated with a Master of Science in Criminology from UTD in 2016, and a Ph.D. from UT Arlington. Since graduation, I found and followed my passion for teaching and research.
The main focus of my research is based on examining active offenders and their decision making process to commit crime. Society often questions why an individual decides to commit a crime, and more specifically why that person selected a specific location or how they got involved in that particular type of crime. These answers could be found by asking the offenders to analyze their motivations and justifications in deciding to commit crime. Therefore, in order to complete this task, I go out to the field to conduct interviews with active offenders who are involved in various types of criminal activity.
I am greatly appreciative for the opportunity to share with students my lifetime’s worth of experience working in schools, non-profits, and state agencies. Prior to becoming a professor, I started out working with elementary kids in non-profits, and then worked with middle and high school youth to provide them tools to overcome barriers. It was during my work as a practioner when I decided that I needed to earn my Ph.D. so I could share what I have learned in the field with the next generation. I am truly passionate and greatly enjoy being able to show others how the criminal justice field touches so many facets of our communities.
Truth be told, years ago when I was playing dodgeball with youth or when I was counseling a gang member, I never thought that I would be a professor. Early on in my career, I was happy simply seeing a youth pass a test or complete their probation. Now, I am thrilled to see my students graduate college and go on to start their career.
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Raphael Gepulle BA’24
March 20, 2023 -
I’ve always had an interest in politics and law throughout my life growing up. I enjoy reading articles on current events centering around those categories as well as on an international level, it helps having a much open-minded perspective of the world and what is going on.
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Nada Iqbal BS’23
The key to success in EPPS is to be enthusiastic about learning and building a rapport with our amazing professors!
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Edward Zhang BS’24
I was interested in eventually working in policy, and economics seemed to me to be the foundation from which all effective policy was based. I felt that having a strong understanding of economics as well as the way economic policy could affect individuals would be invaluable in any policy area I would want to eventually work in.
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Paulina Hruskoci BS’23
My interest in environmental policy led me to Geospatial Information Sciences. Although I originally entered as a Political Science major, I was interested in the hands-on research applications of GIS.
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Farrah Ali BS’22
I have always had a passion for finding solutions to social issues and socioeconomic inequity. The sociology program at UTD has created a pathway for me to not only better understand these issues but has also opened my eyes to solutions and progress.
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Zoya Burney BA’24
March 9, 2023 -
The key to my success has been making sure to maintain a balance in my life. Everyone at this school is very focused and driven but being able to know when to stop studying and enjoy myself has helped me maintain my physical and mental health while still allowing me to achieve my academic goals.
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Christina Lam MS’24
I think one of the biggest reasons I’ve been successful in the GIS program is because I’ve taken the opportunities that have been offered to me, even though they were out of my comfort zone: from classes I’ve never heard of to research in Guyana and GIS internships.
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Samrah Khan BA’23
For me, studying public policy and/or political science means understanding the intersectionality of policy issues I am interested in. This includes the environment, economy, and equity.
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Fawaz Shuja Anwar BA’19
November 19, 2021 -
Currently, I am the campaign manager for Dowd for Texas, which is a Democratic campaign for Lieutenant Governor of Texas in 2022. Since we just launched recently, a lot of my job currently involves organizing the internal structure of the campaign, setting up contracts with vendors & contractors, and setting our overarching strategy & tone of the campaign. Additionally, from my time at the Texas Capitol and previous campaigns, I’m reaching out to other elected officials around Texas to discuss meetings and possible support of our Campaign. My primary concern, daily, is to ensure that we are executing the appropriate actions so that we meet our goals and deadline. (I can expand on this, but I don’t want to get too partisan here).
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Aditi Mutatkar MPA'17
March 31, 2021 -
Aditi Mutatkar is a former international Badminton player and has represented India in all major events including Asian Games, Commonwealth Games, and World Championships. She is a Commonwealth Games silver medalist and was ranked 27 in the world in the year 2008 in women’s singles.
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Dina Shahrokhi BA’11
March 9, 2020 -
I am fortunate to have had the opportunity to study abroad in the Middle East and focus on language and area studies while also learning a lot about U.S. politics through EPPS, which absolutely helped me succeed later during graduate study at Harvard and now in Washington.
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Lelia Gowland BA’08
February 19, 2020 -
I started my business because women kept coming to me for support in professional negotiations and career decision-making. Now, as a speaker, writer, and coach, I have the absolute pleasure of working with women who want to increase their impact and have a more profitable and fulfilling career.
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Erik Milzcik MS’15, PhD’16
My EPPS education in the Criminology program is the bedrock of my career. I appreciate how the program and faculty provided an education applicable to policy workers as well as academics. The union of theory and policy has been invaluable while conducting government research.
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Cody Willming BA’14
EPPS helped me develop a strong foundation that has helped me learn a great deal while working on the Hill. I owe the Bill Archer Fellowship Program and the Fred Hill Endowed Scholarship for the opportunity to intern for the House Budget Committee. Without the chance to take time to intern unpaid on the Hill, I would not be where I am in my career today.
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Cara E. Jones BA’06
February 4, 2020 -
Plan for what you want to do after EPPS while you are there — take advantage of your resources, including your colleagues and support staff. Take a statistics course, even if you don’t want to initially!
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Julian Mensah BA’10, BS’10
January 13, 2020 -
While enrolled in EPPS for undergrad, I had the opportunity to intern at a law firm in downtown Dallas. The experience of the internship while taking coursework really taught me about the intersection of the private and public sector. Having had extensive nonprofit professional experience, some of the principals discussed during my coursework days definitely resurfaced.
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Tao Wei MS’13
December 12, 2019 -
I work with consumer & sales data to identify product preferences, purchase behaviors, and optimal messaging strategies. I really enjoy the challenges of putting theory into practice and presenting complex statistical findings into relatable, actionable narratives.
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Nabeela Jivraj BS’13
I credit my EPPS education for allowing me to better understand the behaviors and social interactions of different groups and organizations as well honing my skills around analysis and understanding data. I feel that I am better equipped to handle situations in the workplace, deal with the “politics” that exist, and strengthen the relationships I build with the different areas of the business.
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Rohan Bose BS’14
As a financial analyst with Mercer Capital, I work on the valuation of public and private companies, financial institutions, employee stock ownership plans, estate and gift tax planning, and other corporate entities. My favorite thing is the exposure to a variety of industries.
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Mary Elbanna BA’16, MPP’16
July 24, 2019 -
Mary Elbanna BA ‘16, MPP ‘16, chief of staff for Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson, discusses the value of her experiences at UT Dallas and her internships as a student. Elbanna’s first internship, which she discovered through UT Dallas, led to her jobs as campaign manager and chief of staff for Johnson.
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Benedict Voit BA’08
June 3, 2019 -
Take advantage of the knowledge and connections of your professors. One of my summer internships and my involvement with a local political campaign were both experiences directly related to my classes. Connections like these can lead to great opportunities in the future, especially in the work place and with graduate programs.
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James Van Lare BA’13
Have goals and network. Networking is always one of the most important things you can do while in college, but networking with specific goals in mind will be the key to your success.
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Lindsey Rames BA’05
Working for Justice Murphy helped me with the basics like seeing the inside workings of a courtroom and how to approach the bench correctly.
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Michael Peticolas BA’95
As you go through life, almost everything can be taken from you, including your home, family, and friends. One thing that cannot be taken from you is your education. Once your degree is earned, it’s yours for life. Treasure and value your education.
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Tiffany Ornelas Tool BA’06, MPA’08
Gain practical experience through internships, fellowships, join organizations and travel.
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Rachel Markowitz BA’08
My job requires frequent cross-cultural communication, strategic thinking, and analytical skills. EPPS helped me get started with those skills many years ago, and taught me to be a clear, confident communicator in writing and in person.
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Blake Reynolds BA’13
I would suggest learning at least some math and/or statistics. This will give you a quantifiable boost in the job market, and will allow you to seek jobs outside of politics as well.
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Victoria Neave BA’05
The top two skills I learned from UTD that I use today are preparation and thinking on my feet. Specifically competing in moot court with UTD.
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Don Magner BA’96
Vary your course work as much as possible. Doing so will expose you to the many different functional areas of government and complexities of politics. If you do, you just might find a new passion.
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Joe Earl Linson BA’79
Be the best that you can be. Strive for excellence in all aspects of your life.
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Sarah Islam BA’05
The biggest factor by far was the time and attention that faculty invested in students like myself. The assistance they provided has had a lasting effect on me as a student and as a person.
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Bill Holston BA’78
Pay attention to the world. Learn how to give back and don’t wait until you graduate to begin thinking about what to do after school.
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Uri Heller BA’06
The rigorous course load and wide-ranging variety of EPPS, and more specifically pre-law, classes were instrumental in making law school a much easier experience for me.
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Parker Folse BA’08
For those who seek it, UT Dallas and EPPS offers students the opportunity to become leaders that have exceptional critical thinking skills and developed analytical abilities.
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Geoff Barry BA’05
The Archer Fellowship program will give you an amazing experience working an internship with other UT System students in Washington, D.C. The alumni network is active and has strong contingents in D.C., Dallas, Austin and New York.
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Bryant Ambelang BA’90
Everything we do, we want to focus on being the groundbreaker. But the way we do that is through people.
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J. Amber Ahmed BA’07
Do not waste the opportunities available at UT Dallas. Apply for the various programs that exist to help you achieve your goals.
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Samantha Woodmancy BS’08, MPA’10
June 2, 2019 -
Get involved and start networking. As soon as you graduate, you will rely on your network of contacts to get your foot in the door and hit the ground running.
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Elizabeth Pazar MPA’14
Consider every door that is presented to you, even if you do not want to open it. You never know who you will meet, what you will learn, how you might apply what you have learned, or what opportunity might come next — it might be your career.
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Randy Moravec PhD’11
There is no question that my doctorate studies and work on my dissertation has given me a valuable perspective on my work and business relationships.
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Trudy Lewis MPA’04
I credit my success in the field to the strong quantitative skills required by the program at UT Dallas.
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Kristin Kuhne MPA’01, PhD’08
Look for opportunities to dive into the work you think you want to pursue. There’s no better way to determine if you’ll truly enjoy a particular path than actually walking it.
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Christopher Horton BS’93
My advice to any student is to network, network, network.
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Ali Garcia BA’12
Always follow your dreams and never stop the learning process – we should strive to learn something new each and every day!
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Brandon Friedman MPA’06
The stuff you learn at UT Dallas matters. Taking a deep dive on policy analysis will put you a step ahead, adding value to your organization.
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Kyle Cheek MPA’94, PhD’96
“Always take by choice the job you do not know how to do. By doing so you will build into your life the variety of experience that is required of the public administrator.” – Harlan Cleveland
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Krysten Carrera MPA’10
The MPA at UT Dallas gave me the practical skills necessary to succeed in the federal government.
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Tom Browning MPA’06, PhD’09
Get to know your classmates; they are interesting, talented, and will become an important part of your professional network.
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Christopher Boone PhD’13
My advice for all students is to pursue your goals with passion and persistence. More importantly, never settle when it comes to going after your dreams.
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Monika Arris MPA’01
The knowledgeable instructors helped me to see the value in research and attention to detail. Understanding the process is just as important as getting to the desired end result.
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Thomas Tunstall PhD’00
Take the most rigorous, challenging courses that you can in order to differentiate yourself.
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J. Alejandro Tirado-Alcaraz PhD’12
Always look at the big picture and be passionate about your career goals. Everything is possible with hard work and dedication.
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Brandon Roberts PhD’05
There is a wealth of knowledge available to you in EPPS. Absorb all that you can while you have the opportunity.
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Yoonhwan Park PhD’07
I was able to meet such wonderful facilitators and colleagues in EPPS. Without their help, I would never have been able to complete my academic study successfully.
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Ling Chun Hung PhD’07
UTD is an excellent place to study. Learn as much as you can while you’re here. I love Public Policy and Political Economics!
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Samia Hossain BA’10
I would strongly encourage students to have experiences away from UT Dallas — whether through an internship, a language immersion program or an exchange with a different university — to broaden your understanding of the world.
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Lauren Holloway MS’11
I learned very practical skills that apply directly to the real world workforce.
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Christine Cepelak BS’13
Focus on the reason you chose your degree/field and look for opportunities to put what you’ve learned in action.
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Caroline Calais MS’08
Covering public policy is challenging, but my UT Dallas education provided me with strong analysis and evaluation skills.
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Lindsay Bernsen BA’12
There were many devoted faculty members and staff who made time to give me counsel and thought.
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Alero Akporiaye MA’10, PhD’14
Work hard, challenge yourself, and do not be afraid to take constructive risks.
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Caiyun Zhang PhD’10
June 1, 2019 -
Learning in class is not adequate for your research. To work well in academia, training in reading, writing, and critical thinking is necessary.
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Harini Sridharan MS’09 PhD’12
Make complete use of what EPPS has to offer and see how the outside world offers you the opportunity to excel.
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Stacey Maples MS’05
Great faculty. Great facilities. Great curriculum.
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Robert McLain MS’10
While it is easy to focus entirely on the material in the classes, be curious and ask questions. Try to figure out ways your education could be applied to find a solution to other areas.
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Bryan Chastain PhD ’11
Get to know the faculty during your time as a student — it’s vital for finding a job when you’re done.
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Tarig Ahmed MS’00
In the GIS world, you really need to get to know your professors. They will be a valuable and appreciated resource for you for years to come.
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Efrat Israeli MA’04
One better studies something he likes than just spend time and money on a subject he started and discovered as not being fit for him.
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Boshra Kargar MS’13
Get as much of a variety of courses as you can from different schools.
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Rebecca Tudor BS’94
Your degree has the potential of offering you an exciting life that has an incredible impact on your world.
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Patricia Trzcinski BS’90, MBA’92
Don’t think of graduation as the end of learning. The degree can open the door to great opportunities, but you must keep stretching your mind and thinking about the next step forward.
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Valerie Kasindi BS’01 MS’03
I took an unpaid internship and it ended up being instrumental in helping me get an interview and ultimately a position at GAO.
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Hunter Hillin BS’83
Your efforts today will secure your success tomorrow.
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Jeanne Glorioso BA’91
Work hard, learn the material (do not just memorize to pass the tests!), pay attention to details, be proactive about networking, do what you say you are going to do, do the right thing, and you will succeed in whatever it is you choose to do.
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Christine Frankum BA’11
Plan your work and work your plan. Keep your eyes on the prize!
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Steve Bishopp MS’09, PhD’13
Home: Shippensburg, Pennsylvania UT Dallas Degree: MS – Criminology, 2009 and PhD – Criminology, 2013Profession: Sergeant of Police My Work My job at CPI is very broad and limited only in that it must involve academic research, assistance with grants and publication in peer-reviewed journals when possible. I conduct empirical research in many areas related to […]
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Monica Niewiarowski BA’13
January 29, 2019 -
This University is unique and so much fun. We don’t have a football team, we have an esports team and an awesome chess team. There are so many resources available. I hope that current students take advantage of everything that’s out there.
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Kanvin Ravin MPA’08
January 16, 2019 -
I went to a couple of classes and loved it. I was around other adult learners like myself, all from different branches of government and other local entities. I really made a lot of friends.
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Aisha Noor BA’12, MPA’13
January 15, 2019 -
UT Dallas is the best thing that ever happened to me. It has a small-family feel but big-school resources. I loved being surrounded by smart people who constantly push you to be better, with professors who give so much attention to the individual success of each student.
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