PhD Graduates in GIS
Haitao Lyu (Fall 2024)
“Combining deep learning and GIS for efficient wildlife monitoring and size estimation from UAV thermal imagery”
Professor: Fang Qiu
Matthew Drouillard (Fall 2024)
“Remote Sensing and Spatial Distribution Patterns of Guyanese Resource Palms”
Professor: Anthony Cummings
Yanan Wu (Spring 2024)
“Analysis of Space-Time Events as Individuals, Sequences, and Surfaces”
Professor: May Yuan
Yalin Yang (Spring 2024)
“Spatial association of social events and places at points of interest”
Professor: May Yuan
Esad Kopru (Spring 2024)
“Modeling Integer Programming to Multiple Target Access Problem”
Professor: Michael Tiefelsdorf
Chen Meifang (Spring 2023)
“Spatially Explicit Machine Learning Approaches For House Price Models”
Professor: Yongwan Chun
Venigalla Lasya (Spring 2023)
“Integrating Artificial and Human Intelligence To Improve Object-Based Image Classification”
Professor: Fang Qiu
Donegan Connor (Spring 2023)
“Plausible Reasoning and Heuristic Methodology in Human Geography: An Investigation of Colorectal Cancer Incidence And Inequalities in Urban Texas, 1999–2019”
Professor: Yongwan Chun
Yu Xiaohe (Fall 2021)
“Cloud Detection and PM2.5 Estimation Using Machine Learning“
Professor: Yongwan Chun
Yogita Karale (Summer 2021)
“Site-Specific PM2.5 Estimation at Three Urban Scales”
Postdoc, Computational Epidemiology lab, College of Public Health, The Ohio State University
Professor: May Yuan
Fan Shi (Fall 2020)
“Remote Sensing Videography: Potentials, Methods, And Applications”
Assistant Professor, Henan University of Technology
Professor: Fang Qiu
Yan-Ting Liau (Fall 2020)
“The Use of Spatially Imputed Variables: Four Papers Addressing Implications of Imputation-Based Measurement Error in a Spatial Context”
Senior Software Engineer, TileDB
Professor: Daniel Griffith
Xiao Li (Spring 2020)
“Automatic Building Footprint Generation Ffrom Airborne Lidar Point Cloud”
Software Engineer of LiDAR Perception, Inceptio
Professor: Fang Qiu
Lan Hu (Spring 2020)
“Negative Spatial Autocorrelation and Its Impacts on Georeferenced Data: With Case Studies Of Cancer Incidents”
Research analyst, 2M Research
Professor: Yongwan Chun
Yeondae Jung (2019 Fall)
“Spatio-Temporal Modeling of Crime in Urban Environments: Case Studies in Seoul, South Korea And Dallas, TX”
Crime Analyst, Korea National Police Agency
Professor: Yongwan Chun
Ramakrishna Mulukutla (2019 Summer)
“Powerline Feature Detection and Extraction Using Photon Lidar Point Clouds”
Practice Leader GIS/LBS, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Professor: Fang Qiu
Muna Shah (2019 Summer)
“Subsistence Use Versus Commercial Logging: Examining How Plant Attributes Determine the Spatial Distribution of Provisioning Ecosystem Services”
Senior GIS Analyst, Utah’s Department of Transport
Professor: Anthony Cummings
John Fell (2019 Spring)
“Investigating Inequities in Appraised Residential Property Values for Dallas County, Texas, from 2004-2014: Using an Instrumental Variable Approach”
Supervisor of GIS office, Dallas County Appraisal District
Professor: Michael Tiefelsdorf
Samyah Refadah (2019 Spring)
“Digital Elevation Model and Drainage Basin Delineation”
Assistant Professor, King Abdulaziz University
Professor: Denis Dean
Yuen Tsang (2019 Spring)
“Building Recognizability in Urban Environments”
Assistant Professor, Tarleton State University
Professor: Yongwan Chun
Kelly Tomlinson (2019 Spring)
“A Spatial Evaluation ff Groundwater Quality Salinity and Underground Injection Controlled Wells Activity in Texas”
GIS Consultant, Schneider Electric
Professor: Anthony Cummings
Christopher Franklin (Fall 2018)
“Three Essays for the Retail Planner: Spatializing Bass, Temporalizing Huff and Visualizing the Ensemble”
Freelance Marketing/GIS Consultant, Self Employed
Professor: Brian J.L. Berry
Xiaojun Pu (Fall 2018)
“Three Papers Addressing Migration Induced Autocorrelation in Spatial Analysis within a Bayesian Modelling Framework”
Postdoctoral Researcher and Research Assistant, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences & Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Professor: Michael Tiefelsdorf
Abdullah Binthunaiyan (Spring 2018)
“Multimodal Traffic Modeling in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: A Co-evolutionary, Best Case Analysis”
Project Manager, National Information Center, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Professor: Denis J. Dean
Soojin Min Conover (2018 Summer)
“Disparity in Risk Factors for Urban Residential Fire Related Injuries and Deaths”
Data Analytics and Researcher, Boston Medical Center
Professor: Dohyeong Kim
Hyeongmo Koo (Spring 2018)
“Visualizing and Modeling Spatial Data Uncertainty” Assistant Professor, Department of Geoinformatics, University of Seoul
Professor: Yongwan Chun
Monghyeon Lee (Fall 2017)
“Impacts of Location Uncertainty on Statistical Modeling of Georeferenced Data”
Staff Engineer, Samsung Electronics
Professor: Daniel A. Griffith /Yongwan Chun (co-chair)
Vaishnavi Thakar (Fall 2017)
“A Spatial Optimization Approach to Finding Locations for Wildfire Fuel Treatments” Assistant Teach Professor, North Carolina State University
Professor: Denis J. Dean
Feng Ni (Fall 2017)
“High Performance Computing with Remotely Sensed Spatial Big Data Using Many-Core Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)”Software Developer, Spatial Front Inc.
Professor: Fang Qiu
Amir Najian (Fall 2016)
“Simulation of Human Wayfinding Uncertainties: Operationalizing A Wandering Disutility Function”
Geospatial Modeler, RMS
Professor: Denis J. Dean
Amy Hughes (Spring 2016)
“Residential Mobility and CRC Screening: A Spatial Analysis of CRC Screening in an Urban Safety-Net Clinic”
Assistant Professor, UT Southwestern Medical Center
Professor: Daniel A. Griffith
Fernando Jose Mendoza Jara (Spring 2015)
“A Forest Optimization Model to Reduce the Risk of Hurricane Damage in Eastern Nicaragua”
Professor, National Agrarian University, Nicaragua
Professors: Denis J. Dean & Michael Tiefelsdorf
Parmanand Sinha (Spring 2015)
“Modeling Land Use Change Using Eigenvector Spatial Filtering Specification And Sprawl Measures: A Case Study Of Collin County, Texas”
Computational Scientist, University of Chicago
Professor: Daniel Griffith
Vini Indriasari (Spring 2015)
“Design of a Data Model and Algorithm for Time-Dependent Shortest Paths”
Head of Computer Science, UPN Veteran Jakarta, Indonesia
Professor: Denis J. Dean
E Scott (Randall) Morris (Spring 2015)
“Fractal Volume of an Urban Environment: 3-Dimensional Space Filling of Dallas, Texas”
Data Scientist, Monsanto
Professor: Daniel Griffith
Yuhong Zhou (Spring 2015)
“Fusion of Hyperspatial Imagery and Lidar Waveform at the Object Level for Land Cover Classification Using Curve Matching Approaches”
GIS Developer, Spatial Front Inc.
Professor: Fang Qiu
Mofareh Dhayem Qoradi (Fall 2014)
“GIS-Based Cartographic Design: Development and Evaluation of the Tourism Symbols of the National Park Service (NPS) and Saudi Commission for Tourism and Antiquities (SCTA)”
Lecturer, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
Professor: Denis J. Dean
Nicholas Knize (Fall 2013)
“Assessing the Impact of a Proposed Web2.0 Geospatial Information System for Improving the Decision-Making Process of Emergency Management and Incident Response Personnel”
Spatial Agent, Elastic
Professor: Denis J. Dean
Scott Ellis Horn (Spring 2013)
“Finding Hidden Road Segments by Determining a Cost Surface from Visible Proximal Segments: Discovering the Limits of Dean’s Approach”
GIS Manager, the City of Dallas
Professor: Denis J. Dean
Harini Sridharan (Fall 2012)
“Object-Based Approaches to Image Classification for Hyperspatial and Hyperspectral Data”
Co-Founder and CTO, Sturfee
Professor: Fang Qiu
Chien-Chou Chen (Spring 2012)
“Small Area Demand and Supply Estimation Accounting for Spatial Interaction Patterns: The Mismatch of Tobacco Sales and Customer Base within”
Senior Engineer, Institute for Information Industry, Taiwan
Professor: Michael Tiefelsdorf
Jie Chang (Summer 2011)
“Segmentation-Based Filtering and Object-Based Feature Extraction from Airborne Lidar Point Cloud Data”
3D Analyst Product Engineer, Enivronment System Research Institute (ESRI) – California
Professor: Fang Qiu
Bryan J. Chastain (Summer 2011)
“A Hybrid CA/MAS Model of Residential Burglary with AHP and GA-Based Calibration”
Geospatial Data Scientist & Consultant, General Dynamics
Professor: Fang Qiu
Michelle Wurtz Penton (Spring 2011)
“Recording a Vanishing History: Three-Dimensional Scanning of Petroglyphs at Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park, Alberta, Canada”
Cultural Resources Group Lead, Versar Inc.
Professor: Carlos Aiken
Gene A. Feighny (Fall 2010)
“A Predictive Terrestrial Clutter Model for Ground-to-Ground Automated Target Detection Applications”
Engineering Fellow, Raytheon
Professor: Denis J. Dean
Melissa J. Rura (Fall 2010)
“Eigenvector Spatial Filtering for Image Analysis: An Efficient Algorithm”
Managing Editor, Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing
Professor: Denis J. Dean
Caiyun Zhang (Fall 2010)
“Urban Forest Inventory Using Airborne Lidar Data and Hyperspectral Imagery”
Associate Professor, Department of Geosciences, Florida Atlantic University
Professor: Fang Qiu
Yan Li (Fall 2009)
“An Automated System for Image-to-Vector Georeferencing”
Lead Application Analyst, Pioneer Natural Resources
Professor: Ronald Briggs
Janis Schubert (Summer 2009)
“Incorporating Time and Daily Activities into an Analysis of Urban Violent Crime”
Senior Member of Technical Staff, Sandia National Laboratories
Professor: Daniel Griffith