The University of Texas at Dallas
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Taiwan Research Academy Concludes Successful Workshops and Conference 

The Taiwan Research Academy (TRA) successfully concluded its inaugural events, held from June 3rd to June 9th, 2024, at the University of Texas at Dallas. The Academy is supported by Dean Dr. Jennifer Holmes, Taiwan organizations including the Greater Dallas Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce and the Grassroots Diplomacy Council, and an anonymous donor.  This year’s program brought together 11 outstanding young scholars and ten distinguished faculty members for an intensive and enriching experience in Taiwan studies. 

The TRA scholars, selected through a competitive process, participated in five days of lectures and workshops to deepen their understanding of Taiwan’s complex political, economic and policy landscapes. The training program focused on critical topics such as democratization, identity formation, and cross-strait relations. The participants also received hands-on sessions in research planning, data exploration and analysis and proposal writing, acquiring essential skills for their academic and professional futures. One highlight of the program was the critical issues and crisis simulation (war game), allowing students to play roles as different country stakeholders when Taiwan was in a hypothetical crisis situation. Students gained a deeper appreciation of the policymaking dynamic involving Taiwan. 

The final day of the academy was a capstone conference titled “NextGen Taiwan: New Leaders, New Ideas and New challenges” that featured a master class and a keynote speech by former American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) Chairperson Dr. Richard Bush (Brookings Institution) titled “The Strategic Dimensions of Taiwan’s Foreign Policy.”  Dr. Bush’s master class familiarized students with the development of US-Taiwan relations in the last few decades from the perspectives of American top foreign policy makers. In the afternoon, the TRA scholars presented their research proposals developed during the workshop. These presentations were attended by the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) Director-General Ms. Yvonne Hsiao and her delegation, in addition to scores of local Taiwan community leaders and members in the DFW metroplex, offering a platform for the young scholars to showcase their innovative ideas and receive valuable feedback from Taiwan experts.   

Concluding the conference was a ceremonial banquet hosted by the Greater Dallas Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce, during which TRA scholars received certificates from Dean Holmes and blessings from TECO Director-General Hsiao and the chamber leaders. 

The Taiwan Research Academy is committed to its mission of cultivating the next generation of Taiwan studies scholars and policy analysts. The success of this year’s events highlights the importance of providing rigorous training and opportunities for young scholars to engage with critical issues facing Taiwan today. 

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all participants, faculty members, and community leaders who contributed to the success of this event. We look forward to continuing our efforts next year to advance the field of Taiwan studies and support the development of talented scholars. 

For more information about the Taiwan Research Academy and future events, please visit our website here.

TRA Scholars

TRA Board of Directors

TRA Faculty