The advice of EPPS is to use Microsoft Teams to conduct your proposal defense. Information on how to download and install Teams is available at the bottom of this information sheet. You will need to invite each faculty member on your committee to the Teams call. Please practice doing so with your chair or another member of your committee before the day of the defense. You should be able to share any slides that you have prepared with the committee in Teams.
In addition, the Office of Graduate Education can make available Zoom accounts, if that option is better for committee members. Do note that Teams will only work with a UTD email address, so if a member of your committee is from outside UTD, you need to use Zoom for the defense. Please contact Elizabeth Rugg ( to make arrangements for using Zoom for your proposal defense.
Please see your Program GPA so that you have the required paperwork for the Office of Graduate Education. These forms may be submitted remotely and should also be coordinated with the Program GPA. Relevant Graduate School policies for the proposal still apply. Refer to Policy on Procedures for Completing a Graduate Degree – UTDPP1052. In addition, all Program level policies still apply.