The University of Texas at Dallas
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Min Shi

Min Shi

Min Shi

PhD, Political Science


Room: GR 3.314

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  • Bachelor of Arts in Japanese, Shandong University
  • Master of Law in International Politics, Shandong University;  Master of Arts in Political Science, UTD; Master of Science in Social Data Analytics and Research, UTD
  • Ph.D. Candidate in Political Science, University of Texas at Dallas

Research Interests

  • Utilizing machine learning, deep learning, time-series, and other quantitative statistical models to evaluate the competitive trade relations between the US and China, as well as the impact of COVID-19 on US-China trade and US firms.
  • Examining the US-China decoupling phenomenon, which involves the growing trend of economic, technological, and geopolitical disengagement between these two major powers over the past decade.
  • Investigating China’s enhancement of soft power in the international community through various means, such as engagement with international institutions and foreign direct investment (FDI), etc.