The University of Texas at Dallas
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Christina Lam MS’24

Major: BS and MS in Geospatial Information Sciences

UT Dallas Achievements & Activities

  • Research Assistant in the department of Geography and Geospatial Sciences
  • Traveled to Guyana with Dr. Anthony Cummings
  • Vice-President of the GIS Student Organization
  • UTD Filipino Student Association Officer – Freshman Orientation Leader – Member of the UTD Power Dancers

Deciding on Geospatial Information Sciences

The first time I ever heard about GIS was when I attended an EPPS prospective student event as a high school senior. I remember paying the most attention to GIS because they talked about drones and how we would learn to use them. I really liked everything they explained about the GIS major, especially how GIS is used in so many fields, from government to natural resources to banking and real estate. I also found a passion I didn’t know I had: maps! The academic and research opportunities they offer are amazing and I really think GIS majors can make a positive difference in the world.

My EPPS Success

I think one of the biggest reasons I’ve been successful in the GIS program is because I’ve taken the opportunities that have been offered to me, even though they were out of my comfort zone: from classes I’ve never heard of to research in Guyana and GIS internships. I didn’t know anyone studying GIS when I first came to UTD, so everything was new to me and I had to take some risks to find my interests and passions.

Plans for the Future

I will graduate with a BS in Geospatial Information Sciences in Spring 2023 and have received a full time offer as a GIS Analyst at Halff Associates. I plan to work there as I continue to work on my MS in GIS which I will receive in Spring 2024.

Advice to Prospective EPPS Students

My advice to prospective EPPS students is to develop relationships with your professors. I’ve discovered that they’re all willing and excited to talk to you about their research and interests and might even offer you a spot in one of their research projects. I also have a great relationship with my advisor, Dr. Hicks, and she has made my experience at UTD very positive, especially by helping me navigate the Fast Track program so I can take graduate-level classes as an undergrad.