PhD Graduates in Economics
Jing Luo (Summer 2023)
“Personnel Policies, Educator Labor Markets and Student Achievement”
Professor: Trey Miller
Sebastian Faundez Madariaga (Summer 2023)
“Social Security Reforms in Chile: Effects on Poverty, Labor Supply, and Savings”
Professor: Seth Giertz
Wanwan Yue (Spring 2023)
“The Effects of Gasoline Taxes And Efforts To Curb Carbon Dioxide Emissions”
Professor: Seth Giertz
Soohyun Choi (Spring 2023)
“U.S. Income Volatility and Interstate Migration”
Professor: Seth Giertz
Hien Nguyen (Spring 2023)
“Three Chapters on Water Resource Management in Texas”
Professor: Kevin Siqueira
Uthra Raghunathan (Fall 2021)
“Cornerstones and Intersections of the Dairy Industry: Regulation, Labor, and Demand“
Professor: Dong Li
Licheng Zhang (Summer 2021)
“Essays on Macroeconomics and Finance”
Professor: Irina Panovska
Minyu Han (Spring 2021)
“Three Essays on Panel Data Analysis”
Professor: Donggyu Sul
Luis Colunga (Spring 2021)
“Three Essays on the Monetary Policy in Mexico”
Professor: Victor Valcarcel
Maryam Ahmadi (Spring 2021)
“Experimental Studies on Individual Decision-Making And Game Theory”
Professor: Daniel Arce
Sebastina Montenegro (Fall 2020)
“Three Essays on the Economics of Financial Aid”
Professor: Donggyu Sul
Jihun Kwak (Fall 2020)
“Three Essays on Panel Data Analysis”
Professor: Donggyu Sul
Aoyu Hou (Summer 2020)
“Three Essays on Income Inequality and Economic Growth”
Professor: Donggyu Sul
Wukki Kim (Spring 2020)
“Four Essays on Defense and Peace Economics”
Professor: Todd Sandler
Jackson William (Spring 2020)
“Tight Oil Production Technology Effectson the U.S. Petroleum Industry’s Vertical Integration”
Professor: Donald Hicks
Zhengyang Chen (Spring 2020)
“Essays on Monetary Policy: Measurement and Transmission”
Professor: Victor Valcarce
John Thompson (Summer 2019)
“Essays on Taxation: Capitalization and Efficiency”
Professor: Seth Giertz
Rasoul Ramezani (Spring 2019)
“Essays on Taxation: Capitalization and Efficiency”
Professor: Seth Giertz
Dongfang Hou (Spring 2019)
“Three Essays of the Demand for Military Expenditures and Terrorist Group Survival”
Professor: Todd Sandler
Thomas Lanier (Fall 2018)
“Three Essays on Migration, Occupational Sorting, and Degree Choice: Analyses of Spatial Autocorrelation, Income and the Race Wage Gap”
Professor: Patrick Brandt, Rodney Andrews
Kwang Soo Kim (Summer 2018)
“Essays on Investment and Exports of Multinational Firms in South Korea”
Research fellow, Korean Railroad Research Institute
Professor: Asli Leblebicioglu
Shuo Yang (Spring 2018)
“Three Essays in Economics: Group Identity and Punishment, Human Capital Development, and Moral Hazard”
Assistant Professor, Wuhan University, China
Professor: Sherry Xin Li
Zeyu Zhang (Spring 2018)
“Three Essays on Economic Demography”
Professor: Daniel G. Arce and Monica Deza
Santoso Budiman (Spring 2018)
“The Impact of Investment-Mix on ICT Firms’ Financial and Market Performances”
Assistant professor, Collin County Community College
Professor: Donald A. Hicks
Xia Si (Spring 2018)
“Three Essays on the Economics of Nutrition Assistance and Food Security”
Assistant Professor, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, China
Professor: Kurt J. Beron
Christopher Roby (Summer 2017)
“Three Essays in Economics: Competition, Coordination, and Health”
Economist, MobLab
Professor: Sherry Xin Li
Sara Muehlenbein (Spring 2017)
“Three Essays on the Economics of Education Choice”
Senior Associate, Charles River Associates
Professor: Rodney Andrews
Shidi Wang (Summer 2016)
“Three Essays on the Geographic Impacts of the Texas Top Ten Percent Plan”
Data Scientist, DataOne Global
Professor: Kurt J. Beron and Daniel A. Griffith
Malcolm Kass (Summer 2016)
“Three Essays on Conflict and Conflict Resolution Between Organizations”
Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Arlington
Professor: Daniel G. Arce
Justin George Kappiaruparampil (Spring 2016)
“Contributions in the Political Economy of Political Violence”
Post-Doctoral Fellow at Michigan State University
Professor: Todd Sandler
Caitlin N. McKillop (Summer 2015)
“An Examination of the Social and Geographic Determinants of Individual Decision-Making”
Post-Doctoral Fellow at Department of Preventive Medicine at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Professor: Kurt J. Beron and Tammy Leonard, Co-Chairs
Sneha Bakshi (Summer 2015)
“Three Essays on Imperfect Information and Market Pricing”
Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Arlington
Professor: Kevin Siqueira
Ericka Scherenberg Farret (Summer 2014)
“Three Essays on Incentives and Motivation Among Workers”
Forecasting Manager, AM Resorts
Professor: Daniel G. Arce
Minwook Ha (Summer 2014)
“Three Essays in Factor Analysis”
Professor: Donggyu Sul
Jianning Kong (Summer 2014)
“Three Essays on Experimetrics”
Shandong University, Assistant Professor, China.
Professor: Donggyu Sul
Jason Alexander Parker (Summer 2014)
“New Methods in Common Factor Modeling and Experimetrics”
Post-Doctoral Fellow at Michigan State University
Professor: Donggyu Sul
Shengzhe Wang (Summer 2014)
“Three Essays on Social Interactions and Networks”
County Garden LLC. China
Professors: Xin (Sherry) Lin & James C. Murdoch
Mathewos B. Kassa (Spring 2014)
“Ex-Ante Assessment of the Impact of Extending the African Growth and opportunity Act (AGOA) to All Lease Developed Countries: A Partial Equilibrium Analysis of the Apparel Market”
Professors: James C. Murdoch & Lloyd J. Dumas
Michael Haydel, Jr. (Fall 2013)
“Essays in Behavioral and Experimental Economics: Time Preferences and Risk Measures”
Advanced Analytics, Richards Group
Professor: Xin (Sherry) Lin
Brian William Buckles (Spring 2013)
“The Impact of Court-Ordered Scattered-Site Public Housing on Residential Real Estate Values”
Professor: Nathan C. Berg
Chunyu Chen (Spring 2013)
“Three Essays in Information Sharing and Transfer Pricing”
Professor: Nathan C. Berg
Ahmed S. Alzarani (Fall 2012)
“Exchange Rate Prediction Under Model Uncertainty”
Aramco, Economist, Saudi Arabia
Professor: Donggyu Sul
Walter Ryan Davis (Fall 2012)
“Contributions to Regional Economic Modeling: Bayesian Space-Time Methods”
Professor: Patrick T. Brandt
Minh B. Le (Summer 2012)
“Evaluating Financial Theories Using Practical Trading in Stock and Equity Option Markets”
Chief Investment Officer, SK Fidelity Capital
Professor: Donggyu Sul
Charlinda M. Santifort (Summer 2012)
“Contributions to the Evolving Study of Modern Terrorism: An Economic Approach”
Booz Allen, Economic Analyst
Professor: Todd Sandler
Natalia Candelo Londono (Spring 2012)
“Field Experiments in Decision-Making by Current and Potential Immigrants”
Assistant Professor, CUNY Queens College
Professors: Rachel T.A. Croson & Catherine C. Eckel
Nikhil Jha (Summer 2011)
“Examining the Role of Neighbors and Neighborhood in Education: Three Empirical Essays”
University of Melbourne, Victoria Australia
Professor: James C. Murdoch
Jing Li (Summer 2011)
“hree Essays on Human Capital”
Assistant Professor, Oklahoma University
Professors: James C. Murdoch & Rodney J. Andrews
Quoc H. Tran (Summer 2011)
“Three Essays on the Economics of Transfer Pricing”
Economics Department of Bridgewater State University – Massachusetts
Professors: Barry Seldon & Rachel T.A. Croson
Lei Zhang (Summer 2011)
“Three Essays on Macroeconomics and Applied Econometrics”
Assistant Professor, North Dakota State University
Professor: James C. Murdoch
Todd R. Gabel (Spring 2011)
“The Economics of Welfare Participation in Canada”
Professor: Nathan Berg
Oksana Zhuk (Spring 2011)
“Advertising Effects of Beer Consumption Among Young Adults with a Consideration of the Welfare Effects of Advertising in the Presence of Search Costs and Negative Externaliti”
Professor: Barry J. Seldon
Ozge Eryuksel Ozden (Fall 2010)
“Three Essays on the Effects of Mergers: Wage Incentives and Prices”
JPMorgan Chase
Professor: Barry J. Seldon
Yufei Ren (Fall 2010)
“Biased Decisions: Three Essays on Decision Making”
Visiting Professor, Union College
Professors: Rachel T.A. Croson & Sherry Li
Tara Colleen Larson Brown (Summer 2010)
“Strategic Ignorance in the Lab and in the Field”
Visiting Assistant Professor, Economics, The University of Texas at Arlington
Professor: Catherine Eckel
Hong Chao (Spring 2010)
“Three Essays on Team Incentive Contracts in the Presence of Synergy”
Assistant Professor, Economics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University/Antai College of Economics & Management – CHINA
Professor: Kevin Siqueira
Giang T. Ngo (Spring 2010)
“Endogenous Growth Theory in Motion: Emergence and Development Dynamics in the U.S. Biotechnology Sector”
Database Management, Modeling and Analytics
Professor: Donald A. Hicks
Tumubweinee Twinemanzi (Fall 2009)
“Interest Spreads and the Margin Setting Behavior of Commercial Banks: Evidence from Uganda”
Central Bank – Uganda
Professors: Chetan Dave & Nathan Berg
Khusrav Gaibulloev (Summer 2009)
“Contributions to the Empirical Analysis of Global Collective Action”
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, American University of Sharjah, UAE
Professor: Todd Sandler
Tammy Leonard (Summer 2009)
“Neighborhood Public Goods – Provision and Impact”
Affiliate Assistant Professor, University of Dallas
Professor: James C. Murdoch
Angela DeOliveira (Spring 2009)
“Three Essays on Individual Heterogeneity in Social Preferences and Public Good Provision”
Associate Professor, The University of Massachusetts – Amherst
Professors: Catherine Eckel & Rachel Croson
Jielai Ma (Spring 2009)
“Unobservable Clusters: Diagnostic Tests and Forecasts in Dallas Housing Market”
Research Assistant Professor, Northwestern University
Professors: James C. Murdoch & Wim P.M. Vijverberg
Vira Y. Holovchenko (Summer 2008)
“Essays in Entry into Characteristic and Geographical Spaces”
Economist/Manager, KPMG
Professors: Barry J. Seldon & Catherine Eckel
Chunbei Wang (Summer 2008)
“Self-Employment among Hispanic and Immigrant Populations”
Assistant Professor of Economics, Birmingham-Southern College
Professor: Wim Vijverberg
Priyanka Singh (Spring 2008)
“Earnings Risk and Occupational Choice”
Vice President, Citibank
Professor: Wim Vijverberg
Shilpi Bihari (Spring 2007)
“Essays on the Effect of Government Intervention on the Conduct and Performance of Cigarette Firms”
Senior Economist, Amazon
Professor: Barry J. Seldon