PhD Graduates in Political Science
Aaron Lebo (Spring 2023)
Comprop: Computational Propaganda on REDDIT.COM
Grace Beatrice Mueller (Summer 2022)
Dimensions of Cybersecurity: Espionage, Rivalry, and Political Economy
Patrick Muenks (Summer 2022)
Leveling Up: Measuring the Effects of Election Laws and Institutions on Voter Participation
Carlos Daniel Gutierrez Mannix (Spring 2022)
Three Essays on Hispanics: The Use of Spanish, Content Analysis and Social Network Analysis
Christine Millard (Spring 2021)
Christianity in Politics: Churches, Congregations and the Role of Ministers
Brent Sackett (Fall 2020)
NATO Burden-Sharing and Keeping the Peace: Crisis Response and the Military Capabilities Gap
Misty Parker (Summer 2020)
“Stereotyping’ the American Electorate: An Examination of what Drives Turnout in the Electoral Periphery”
Professor: Thomas Brunell
Soham Das (Summer 2020)
“Minority and Majority: Cleavages, Conflicts, and Electoral Politics in the Indian Sub-Continent”
Professor: Paul Diehl
Blake Hoffman (Spring 2020)
“Immigration Enforcement and Leader Image: President Trump and Support for ICE”
Professor: Harold Clarke, Marianne Stewart
Yahve Gallegos (Spring 2020)
“Carrot Or Stick? Examining the Effect of Judicial Independence and Repression on Authoritarian Regime Stability and Leader Survival”
Professor: Paul Diehl
Erinn Wilcots (Summer 2019)
“African American Political Participation in the United States”
Professor: Robert Lowry
Elisa Price (Summer 2019)
“Reexamining the “Constitutional Revolution of 1937”: Evolution, Revolution, or Restoration and the “Fall” of Economic Due Process”
Professor: Jennifer Holmes
Ryan Lux (Summer 2019)
“Defining the Dimensional Variation Among Federations: Comparative Analysis of the Effects of Federalism”
Professor: Thomas Brunell
Adrienne Gathman (Summer 2019)
“Divided Plural Executives: Examining the Where, the Why, and the Do They Even Matter”
Professor: Robert Lowry
Kuo Chu Yang (Spring 2019)
“Liberal Peace in East Asia? A Study of China-Taiwan Relations”
Professor: Harold Clarke
Imrana Iqbal (Fall 2017)
“Nuclear weapons proliferation and terrorism: law, politics, and theory”
Non-tenure Track, Saudi Arabia/Korea – American College
Professor: Lloyd J. Dumas
Razan Albanna (Summer 2017)
“The Judicialization of Repression: Abuse of Physical Integrity and the Administration of Justice through Exceptional Courts, 1990-2005”
Adjunct Lecturer, Brookhaven
Professor: Linda Keith
Curt Childress (Spring 2017)
“Understanding Lochner: Testing Three Rival Theoretical Perspectives”
Adjunct Lecturer, Brookhaven
Professor: Anthony Champagne
Bennet B. Min (Summer 2016)
“How Attorneys Think: Political Giving in Judicial Elections as a Hiring Decision”
Professor: Robert C. Lowry
Paula Finch (Summer 2016)
“The Cycle of Violence Between Terrorism and Repression”
Adjunct Lecturer, Tarrant County College District & Brookhaven
Professor: Linda Camp Keith and Jennifer S. Holmes
Patrick Larue (Spring 2016)
“Investigating Transnational Terrorism: Three New Looks”
Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Dallas
Professor: Jennifer S. Holmes
Engin Kapti (Spring 2016)
“Chinese Official Assistance into Africa: Determinants and Consequences”
Turkish Military Army
Professor: Clint Peinhardt
Casper Kamau (Spring 2016)
“National Level Tolerance for “Customary” Neo-Autogenous Sub-Saharan (NAS) Law”
The Africa Policy Institute – Kenya
Professor: Linda Camp Keith
Barbara E. Kirby (Fall 2015)
“Neighborhood Justice: Non-Lawyer Judges, Repeat Players and Institutional Reform in Texas Justice of the Peace Courts”
Pre-Law Advisor, Pre-Law Advising and Resource Center, University of Texas at Dallas
Professor: Anthony M. Champagne
Laura Bell (Spring 2015)
“Repercussions of Terrorist Assassinations: A Post-Assassination Institutional Analysis, 1970-2012”
Assistant Professor of Political Science, West Texas A&M University
Professor: Patrick Brandt
Maureen Therese Stobb (Spring 2015)
“From Rhetoric to Reality: The Role of Domestic Actors in Diffusing International Human Rights Norms”
Assistant Professor of Political Science, Georgia Southern University
Professor: Linda Camp Keith
Elizabeth Ann Norell (Fall 2014)
“Wither the Center? Political Polarization in the United States”
Lecturer, Political Science, Public Administration & Nonprofit Management, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Professor: Thomas L. Brunell
Iliyan Rumenov Iliev (Summer 2014)
“Energy Policy and Lobbying Dynamics in the U.S. Senate”
Assistant Professor, Southern Mississippi University
Professor: Patrick T. Brandt
Lu-Chung (Dennis) Weng (Summer 2014)
“Political Participation and Democratic Citizenship in a New Democracy – Taiwan in Comparative Perspective”
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Government, Wesleyan University
Professor: Harold Clarke
Whitney Ross Manzo (Spring 2014)
“Implications, Benefits and Impacts of Direct Democracy”
Meredith College, Raleigh, NC
Professor: Thomas L. Brunell
Adam Yeeles (Spring 2014)
“The Political Ecology of Governance, Inequality and Unrest”
Professor: Jennifer S. Holmes
Robert Clemente Chalwell (Spring 2013)
“The Political Economy of Trade and Development in the Commonwealth Caribbean”
Lecturer, Dallas County Community College
Professor: Brian J.L. Berry
John P. Connolly (Spring 2013)
“Political Sophistication in Contemporary Britain: Dissecting the Mass Public”
Statistical Consultant, University of Texas at Arlington
Professor: Harold D. Clarke
Michelle M. Payne (Spring 2013)
“Redistricting and Reapportionment: Reforming Texas District Courts”
Professor: Anthony M. Champagne
Rosalinda M. Valenzuela (Fall 2012)
“Latinos in Electoral Politics: Turnout, Representation and Perspectives”
Professor: Gregory S. Thielemann
Curtis A. McDowell (Spring 2012)
“Group Perceptions, Group Conflict and Political Support”
Human Resources at Johnson and Johnson
Professor: Harold Clarke
Kristina Marie White Mitchell (Spring 2012)
“The Participation and Success of Developing Countries in WTO Disputes”
Instructor at Texas Tech
Professor: Clint Peinhardt
David Ryan Smith (Spring 2012)
“Getting Earmarks Right: Examining Both Requests and Awards to Members of the U.S. Congress”
Visiting Assistant Professor, Political Science, TAMU-CC
Professor: Thomas L. Brunell
Dogan Koc (Summer 2011)
“Testing Strategies of Conflict Resolution: Turkish Case”
Professor: Marie I. Chevrier
Diane L. Verrill (Summer 2011)
“United Nations Peacekeeping Missions: The Effect of Peacekeepers on Mission Effectiveness”
Lecturer, Honors College, University of North Texas
Professor: Patrick T. Brandt
Rahma Abdulkadir (Spring 2011)
“Gender, Transitional Justice and Failed Statehood: Can the Somali Traditional Customary Law be the Basis for Viable and Inclusive Mechanism(s) of Transitional Justice for Somalia?”
Assistant Professor, Social and Cultural Studies Program, Social Sciences School, New York University-Abu Dhabi
Professor: Marianne C. Stewart
Masaki Nakamoto (Fall 2010)
“Policy Towards Foreign Direct Investment: Domestic Political and Institutional Determinants Across Middle Income Countries”
Garland Independent School District – Texas
Professor: Robert C. Lowry
Mukul Sharma (Summer 2010)
“Participation and E-Government in Comparative Perspective”
Professor: Marianne C. Stewart
Alexandra Friedman (Spring 2010)
“Can We Change Corruption from the Outside In? An Assessment of Three Anti-Corruption International Treaties”
Washington, DC
Professor: Jennifer S. Holmes
Michael Greenberg (Spring 2010)
“A Game of Millions: Professional Sports Facilities and the Media’s Influence on the Agenda Setting Process”
Director, Project Management Organization, RealPage, Inc.
Professor: Patrick Brandt
Richard Laird (Spring 2010)
“Transboundary Watersheds: Political Obstacles to Basin-Wide Cooperation Between States”
Private Tutor – New Jersey
Professor: Clint Peinhardt
Narcisse Tiky (Spring 2010)
“The Causes of Corruption: Explaining the High Levels of Corruption in Developing Countries”
The University of Connecticut
Professor: Marianne C. Stewart
Shawn Williams (Spring 2010)
“Examinations of the Impact of Forward Thinking Institutions on Political Outcomes”
Campbellsville University – Kentucky
Professor: Marianne C. Stewart
Lishan Teddy Desta (Fall 2009)
“Determinants of Military Expenditure: The Case of the Post-Cold War Years”
Frito Lay – Texas
Professor: Clint Peinhardt
Walter Casey, II (Summer 2009)
“Engendering Differences: Exploring and Testing Theories of Representation in Modern Democracies”
Texas A&M University – Texarkana
Professor: Harold Clarke
Gregory Combs (Summer 2009)
“The Power of the Texas Speaker: Maintaining Influence and Governing over a Divided House”
Adjunct Professor, The University of Texas at Dallas
Professor: Gregory Thielemann
Kacem Ayachi (Spring 2009)
“Mass Attitudes and Support for Democracy in the Arab World: An Empirical Study of Algeria, Egypt, Jordan and Morocco”
Collin College – Texas
Professor: Marianne C. Stewart
Anca Turcu (Spring 2009)
“Different Views and Different Rights in a United Europe: Public Opinion, Minority Rights and Autonomy Movements”
The University of Central Florida
Professor: Marianne C. Stewart
Walter Borges (Summer 2008)
“Voter Choice in Referenda: Cues and Attitudes in Direct Democracy”
The University of North Texas – Dallas
Professor: Harold Clarke
Billy Monroe (Spring 2008)
“Judicial Selection in Texas: A Study of Election Outcomes 1988-2004”
Assistant Professor, Political Science, Texas A&M – Prairie View
Professor: Anthony Champagne
Millie Smith (Spring 2007)
“The Effects of Race, Racial Consciousness and Income on Political Trust”
Collin College – Texas
Professor: Scott Robinson