The University of Texas at Dallas
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Graduate Student Paper Award

The Graduate Student Paper Award is presented to acknowledge outstanding scholarly work by students. It aims to encourage graduate students to submit papers that explore conceptual and/or empirical aspects, encompassing both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, and focusing on criminology or criminal justice topics.

How to Apply


The competition is open to any student currently enrolled in the UTDallas Criminology program, whether pursuing a master’s or doctoral degree. Each student may submit only one paper per year, including co-authored works. For co-authored papers, the first author must be a UTD criminology graduate student. Submissions must be authored by the submitting student(s) only; co-authorships with professors (regardless of their affiliation) are not accepted. Previous winners are not eligible to apply again.


Manuscripts should include a 150-word abstract, be double-spaced (12- point Times New Roman), written in English, and should be no more than 35 pages, including references, tables, figures, and appendices. References and formatting should follow APA style (7th). Manuscripts should be refined and ready for peer-review submission.


The review process will be based on the following criteria: (1) clarity and development of the idea, (2) the significance and relevance of the topic, (3) familiarity with relevant literature in the field, (4) accuracy, appropriateness, and sophistication of the employed methodology, (5) quality of the writing and organization of the paper, and (6) overall contribution to the discipline. The committee reserves the right to withhold the award if no entry meets the satisfactory criteria for selecting a winner.


Submissions must be received by March 31st to the committee chair, Yeungjeom Lee ( Manuscripts must be submitted as an e-mail attachment in Microsoft Word.


Coming Soon.