PhD Graduates in Criminology
Yeonjae Park (SP23)
Identifying Developmental Trajectories of Self-ControlAnd Associated Risk Factors
Lynne Vieraitis
Quinn Gordon (SP23)
Examining Suicidal Ideaton As A Mediator Betweek Stress And Aggressive Police Misconduct
John Worrall
Jessica Correy (SP23)
Diamonds In The Rough: An Evaluation of a Juvenile Sexual Exploitation Court
John Worrall
Gaetan Dore (SP23)
Strains, Psychological Strains, and Sexual Assault Perpetration: Investigating(Psychologically-Informed) General Strain Theory
John Worrall
Jordan Riddell (SP22)
Citation Release, Decarceration, And Crime In Washington
John Worrall
Haneul Yim (SP21)
Getting Inside The” Black Box” Of Deterrence-Does Communication of Focused Deter Crime?
Lynne Vieraitis
Derlic, Dragana (SU21)
“The Effects of Traume-Informed Yoga on Men And Women Who Are Incarcerated:” A Program Evaluation
Lynne Vieraitis
Hernandez, Richard (SU20)
Perspective Bias And Police Legitimacy – An Analysis of Video Recorded Citizen And Polic EncountersLynn VieraitisHan, Sungil (SU2020)Multiple Perspectives On Immigrant And Crime Relationship
Alex Piquero
Hayslip, Melissa (SU2020)
College Athletes, Strain, And Substance USE
Alex Piquero
Kanvinde, Vrishali (SU2020)
Connecting Control-Balance Theory And Police Cynicism: An Empirical Test
Nicole L. Piquero
Narvey, Chelsey (SU2020)
Examining The Relationships Between Psychopathy, Offending, And Victimization
Alex Piquero
Jennifer LaPrade (SP2020)
Examing Prosecutor Characteristics And Court Outcomes
Alex Piquero
Michael Huskey (Fall 2019)
Homicide Offending And Social Control: A National Case Control Study
Tom Kovandzic
Sarah Gammell (Fall 2019)
Beyond Motive: Situational Influences On Student Perpetrated Shootings
Tom Kovandic
Meng Ru Shih (2019)
Examining the relationship between exposure to violence and delinquent behavior across different immigrant generations
Alex R. Piquero
Rebecca Eichelberger (2019)
Evaluating family presentation programs in juvenile justice: A propensity score matching approach
Alex R. Piquero
Myesha Applewhite (2018)
An Evaluation of the outcomes of an urban health court conditional dismissal program in Texas
Denise P. Boots
Angela J. Williams (2018)
The role of social disorganization theory in explaining where sex offenders reside
Denise P. Boots
Omobolanle Fenny (2018)
Bullying in Nigerian schools: A test of Gottfredson and Hirsch’s general theory of crime
Nadine M. Connell
Paul Donnelly (2018)
“The Cycle and Dynamics of Reform and Neglect in a State Juvenile Corrections Agency: The Texas Experience
Professor: John Worrall
Amny Shuraydi (2018)
“I’ll smoke, but I won’t eat pork”: observing the effects of cultural identity on drug dealing and use amongst a sample of arab and arab-american men
Lynne M. Vieraitis
Zachary Powell (2018)
Foreign direct investment, institutional anomie, crime, and imprisonment
Alex R. Piquero
Chidlike Okeem (2018)
The theoritical exporation of psychological grit in the context of criminology
Nicole L. Piquero
Ivan G. Birch (2017)
Turgut Ozhan (2017)
Prediction recidivism through machine learning
Alex R. Piquero
Michele Meitl (2017)
U.S. supreme court use of social science research to inform constitutional criminal law and procedure opinions throughout the 2001-2005 terms
Nicole L. Piquero
Richard Riner (2017)
Race class and procedural justice during traffic stops
Nadine M. Connell
Stephanie Cardwell (2017)
The longitudinal relations between religiousity, moral, disengagement, and offending in serious adolescent offenders
Alex R. Piquero
Ivan Wong (2016)
Amanda Russell (2016)
Haley R. Zettler (2016)
Mark C. Saber (2016)
Erik Milzcik (2016)
Alexis J. Harper (2016)
Stephen J Clipper (2016)
Nina Barbieri (2016)
Jessica M. Craig (2015)
Sarah A. El Sayed (2015)
Cody Jorgensen (2014)
Brooke Miller (2014)
Michael Cherbonneau (2014)
Rashaan A. DeShay (2014)
Brie Diamond (2013)
Marquis White (2013)
Stephen A. Bishopp (2013)
Michael L. Carriaga (2013)
Henriikka Weir (2013)
David H. Marble (2012)
Richard C. Helfers (2012)
Erin A. Orrick (2012)
Ryan M. Getty (2012)
Aaron L. Bartula (2012)
Stephanie M. Abramosle-James (2012)
Joshua A. Harms (2011)
Jonathan W. Caudill (2010)
Katherine L. Polzer (2007)
Steven K. Downing (2007)
Kristine M. Miller (2007)